Starbucks for Life Xmas
Illustration - Starbucks - New York 2016
Starbucks did this really cool holiday promotion app where consumers can - through purchases and challenges - collect gamepieces to win Starbucks free for a week, month, year and even... for life! Creative agency Product Labs in New York hired me to do the illustrations for this amazing app! I was given full creative freedom to explore this project from character design, background assets and gamification elements. Which I then had to illustrate, colour and prepare for animation while adhering to the brand guidelines. This job was filled with FUN and hot drinks. Creative strategy: Bret Kovacs, Art Direction and Design: Naim Sheriff.
All animated gifs
Example of initial sketches and chosen one
Handmade Sketch - Illustrator Vector - Photoshop Final image
Assets: Colours, Backgrounds, Prizes, Game stages, etc.
Background assets
Desktop map view
Mobile views
Users engagement on twitter
Under Manteinance page
Special thanks to:
Bret Krovacs, Naim Sheriff, Nadeem Daniel, Working not Working.